Monday, April 29, 2013

Inspiration From Siri

Technology is beast!
For a writer, inspiration can strike anywhere, any time. Over the weekend, for example, I got a very strange idea for a short story. Let me take a moment to tell you how it all began.

I'll start by saying that I'm not a huge fan of technology.  I'm still stuck in the 20th Century and learn only what I need to when it comes to laptops and cell phones.

However, my oldest son is somewhat of a techno-geek.  Sometimes I wonder if he's really mine.  Then I remember the labor pains--and the fact that Mr. McKenzie is also a bit of a geek!

For the past few months, my number one son has been saving up for an iPod.  Christmas money, birthday money, allowance, and the salary he earns from a job with his dad (which he's been frequently fired from, and then subsequently rehired) recently enabled him to make his dream purchase.

One of his favorite iPod features is Siri, which according to Apple "is the intelligent personal assistant that helps you get things done just by asking."  In other words, you can ask questions like what's today's weather forecast, where's the nearest gas station, etc., and she answers. Pretty useful technology, right?

So, what do you suppose a fourteen-year-old and a soon to be twelve-year-old would ask Siri...just for fun?  Well, I must say, I've never heard so many giggles.  Here's a sampling of some discussions that transpired over the weekend between the sultry-voiced Siri and my two boys:

The Mysterious Siri
Son:  Siri, do you like chocolate?
Siri:   Surprisingly, I have never tasted chocolate.
Son:  Siri, do you like pizza?
Siri:   I like whatever you like.
Son:  Siri, you suck!
Siri:  I am still here for you.

So here's my story idea:  What would happen if a guy fell in love with Siri? Hey, it's only fiction, and stranger things could happen! What's something a little strange that's sparked your imagination?

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!


Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! And Siri is such a great name too!! It's a great idea and I hope that love conquers all in your story cos I'm totally a sucker for a love knows no boundaries type story! Yay!!! Take care

Maria McKenzie said...

Love would totally know no bounds with this one!

Jennette Marie Powell said...

Maria, with the devotion some people have for their iPhones, I would be surprised if someone hasn't fallen for Siri before!

When one of my husband's friends got an iPhone 4S, my husband's first question for Siri was where could he find some exotic dancers (only asked in much ruder terms LOL). Siri didn't get it, and told him where to find Italian food!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Not so sure about all these gadgets Sometimes I find all this electronic stuff organising our lives a bit scary.

Shelly said...

Oh, now that story sounds like a winner! Siri, I'm sure, has charmed more than one with her throaty voice and willingness to please. It's good to have kids who understand technology. That way you don't have to worry too much about it!

Norma said...

Maria, I know how you feel! My son is my resident geek! I'm always calling on him to fix my goof-ups on my phone/computer/Kindle, etc. I told him he can never move far away because I wouldn't know how to fix my own gadgets!

Creative Compromise said...

Hi Maria, I really enjoyed your story and thought you might want to visit my blog. I hope I inspire you the way you inspire me.

it is about finding you and nurturing your creative self in a rat race of a world.

Maria McKenzie said...

@Jennette: LOL! Boys will be boys!

@Photographic: It is scary, isn't it?!

@Shelly: I'm sure she's charmed many! I don't think I'll ever know as much as my kids about technology!

@Norma: I know how it is to be techno-dependent! One time when my husband wasn't around and the kids were in school, I called my grandma-in-law! She's 87 and very tech savvy!

@Rebecca: Thanks for stopping by. I'd be happy to visit your blog:).

Anonymous said...

What ever next! Goodness, the mind simply boggles!

Nas said...

Hi Maria!

It's actually fun to ask Siri questions! I've heard my nephew ask, "Siri, will you come out to dinner with me?" And Siri responded by giving a list of dinner places!

It's hilarious!

Maria said...

It's not that I have a great knowledge of these matters but Siri reminds me a bit of a call girl - as in 'I'm whatever you want me to be'. I saw stuff like that in a book once......

Lovely post, Maria

Maria McKenzie said...

I agree. Isn't it amazing that boys and grown men enjoy asking her questions. At least with young boys the questions are innocent:).

William Kendall said...

She (or it) talks?

I'm reminded of the talking car in Tomorrow Never Dies. Bond hears her speak and remarks that he thinks they've met.

Maria McKenzie said...

I think every guy would like to think he's met Siri!