
Friday, November 12, 2010

Recipe Friday: Sweet Potato Pudding

"The proof of the pudding is in the eating. By a small sample, we may judge of the whole piece." Miguel de Cervantes

This pudding's so good, you might want to eat the whole dish in just one sitting! Last Friday I featured a savory recipe using sweet potatoes. This week I'm posting something sweet! This scrumptious pudding can be served as a side (at Thanksgiving and Christmas) or a dessert.

Lots of people aren't familiar with sweet potatoes or don't realize their versatility. I, for instance, didn't know they could be used in savory dishes until I was grown.  A blogger from the UK said she'd never eaten them sweet.

Each Friday this month, I'll feature a recipe highlighting the versatility of the sweet potato. There's more to it than just being a plain old baked sweet potato or a fry! 

Sweet potatoes taste great any way you slice them (sorry, couldn't resist), and not only are they delicious, they're nutrtious, as well!

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) ranks the sweet potato number one of all vegetables. It scores 184, the next closest vegetable only ranks in at 100.  Points were given for dietary fiber, naturally occurring sugars and complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A and C, iron and calcium.  To see the complete article I've used  for sweet potato nutrition from, click here.

Today's recipe is a slimmed down version from one of my favorite cookbooks, Spoonbread and Strawberry Wine. Hope you enjoy it!

Sweet Potato Pudding

5 medium sweet potatoes
3/4 cup of sugar
6 egg whites
3/4 fat free cup evaporated milk
1 t cinnamon
2 t vanilla extract
1 t rum extract (optional)

Bake sweet potatoes in 350 degree oven until soft (about 90 minutes to two hours).  When baked, let cool, then slice open and scoop out flesh. Mash with a potato masher until smooth.  Add sugar, stir well until mixed. Then add egg whites and beat well. Stir in remaing ingredients. Pour into 2 quart casserole sprayed with cooking spray. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Makes 8 servings.

Have you ever had sweet potato pudding?

Tweet me @maria_mckenzie. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. we are planning a thanxgiving dinner in France so this will come in handy. Thanx for sharing.

  2. Oh, thank you!! We have (too) many sweet potatoes in our house waiting to be eaten in as many ways possible, and this is a huge help! :)

  3. This is fantastic. I never had sweet potato pudding before. Thanks for the great post.

    Happy Eating :-)

  4. @Joanna: Wish I could celebrate Thanksgiving in France! Hope you like this:).

    @Melody: Glad to know this helps put all those sweet potatoes to use! Next week I'll share an awesome soup recipe.

    @Happy Whisk/Ivy: You don't know what you're missing! This dish is native to the southern US.

  5. Oooh yum, yum, yum!!! Oh my local shop has sweet potatoes galore!!! And this is a brilliant recipe to try!! Thanks so much!! And I know this is a really silly question but what do I do with the egg yolks? any ideas? Thanks!!!

    Take care

  6. I have never had Sweet Potato Pudding. It sounds delicous. Why wait until Thanksgiving?

  7. Sweet potato pudding sounds fantastic. I never even heard of it but... I sure want to try it!

  8. @Old Kitty: Thanks for your comments! No silly questions here:). I just toss the egg yolks out, either down the garbage disposal or straight to the trash. If you like, just use 3 whole eggs instead of 6 egg whites (I was just cutting a few calories by leaving out the yolks).

    @Choices: You're right! It's great any time:)!

    @Melissa: Hope you get a chance to try it! It's yummy!

  9. In my family, we have more corn pudding than sweet potato pudding, but I will definitely be trying this!! I hate the whole marshmallow-on-top-of-baked-sweet-potato thing my relatives bring. This'll show 'em (in a good way)! Thanks!

  10. I love sweet potatoes. Have you tried making sweet potatoe fries...Yum!

  11. @Erica and Christy: I'm not too much into that marshmallow thing either. Hope your relatives like this!

    @Nas: I've never made sweet potato fries, but I have tried them. They are yummy!! I saw some frozen just the other day, next to the regular French fries.

  12. Looks yummy. I'm a huge sweet potato fan. Can't wait to try it. Oh, and I'm happy to be your newest follower.

  13. Now I've never thought of sweet potato pudding. interesting idea. :O)

  14. Oh my gosh, this sounds yummy! My mouth is watering....I'm giving this a try for thanksgiving! Thanks :)

  15. @Jennifer: Hi Jennifer! Thanks for becoming a follower here:).

    @Madeleine: Hey, sweet potato possibilities are endless:)!

    @William: It IS delicious. Do you miss my bean recipes?

    @Words Crafter: It's a great Thanksgiving side! Hope you like it.

  16. This looks so good. Is there anything you can't do with sweet potatoes?

  17. Hi, Nick! Sweet potato possibilties are endless:).
