
Monday, January 9, 2012

An SEO Experiment

Last time I promised a post using an example of SEO, search engine optimization.  Kim Kardashian isn't someone I'd usually blog about, but I certainly don't think she'll mind me using her name for today's SEO experiment!

To refresh your memory (courtesy of Wikipedia), search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.  In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users.

If that went over your head, here's the naked truth about SEX, oops, I mean SEO, in a nutshell:  It enables you  to get your website noticed as much as you want it to.  So by planting strategic words in your website, you'll "herd" viewers to it. In today's post, my strategic words are in bold italics. To learn about a free tool to help you effectively use SEO, click here

Kim Kardashian is hot right now and the topic of interracial dating (known in some circles as jungle fever) is provocative.  I'm interested in writing novels about interracial/multicultural relationships, so today I'm posting some of Kim Kardashian's opinions.

Kim Kardashian's father is Armenian, and her mother is of Irish and German descent.  Kim Kardashian herself has dated white, black and Hispanic men, so she's knowledgeable on this subject.

So, without further ado, here are some of Kim Kardashian's thoughts on interracial dating:
  • Whoever you fall in love with, you can't help that.
  • [If a man] is good to you and you love him and he loves you, that's all that matters and your family will understand.
  • You have to take chances and you have to take long as [a relationship] is not harmful to [you], you need to really follow your heart.
To hear Kim's complete thoughts, click here.

Short post, a few strategic words, not sure if I'll get more hits than usual, but we'll see!

Do you use SEO?

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I don't, no. But I'm not looking to drive extra traffic to my blog. And lately I'm getting traffic from crap spam sites.

    Are you enjoying being back to blogging?

  2. Hi, Happy Whisk! I am enjoying being back at blogging:). I'm aiming to do it once a week. I don't think I've ever gotten any traffic from "crap spam sites"--but I'm not sure what this one will bring;)!

  3. I've heard about SEO but haven't really used it. Your explanation and the example of this post is about the simplest I've seen, so maybe I'll give it a try. :)

  4. Ohhh gosh, no I don't use SEO - well not deliberately! But good luck with your experiment! I remember the first time I started to blog and of course got 0 visitors and also of course did not appear on Google's search engine at all. It took a really popular site - Nicola Morgan's blog - for Google bots to find me. All she did was return a comment! I'll always be forever grateful to wonderful Nicola for that!

    Take care

  5. First time I've heard of SEO. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

  6. @ Myne:I'm still getting the hang of it! Glad you found this explanation understandable:).

    @Old Kitty: I haven't used SEO much, but it sounds like Nicola Morgan's blog really helped you a lot;).

    @Shelly: You're welcome, Shelly. Hope you find it useful!

  7. Hi, Maria--good post, though I'll confess I saw Kim Kardashian and almost passed by.

  8. Hi, Norma! I'm glad you stopped by anyway:).

  9. Unfortunately, not everyone is, dare I say, wise as Kim Kardashian.
    Her thoughts on the subject are truly wonderful--and your thoughts on SEO's are fabulous!
    Hope your blog skyrockets!!

  10. Hi, Deser Rocks! Kim does has some wise thoughts. Thanks for your kind words:)!

  11. I haven't used it myself...

    I'd wondered as I started reading... Kim Kardashian? Then you went and made it fun!

    I hope you don't get any weird spam sites turning up as a result!

    1. Hi, William! Glad you found it fun;). No weird spam sites have turned up yet!

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