
Monday, August 6, 2012

Writers Aid

If you’re  a new writer just starting out, be sure to visit my new “Help For Writers” page.  About two years ago, I decided to try my hand at getting a novel traditionally published.  Now, after multiple rejections, but with no regrets, I’ve moved on to self–publishing!

  My kids said I'd never write my novel--ha! I'll show them! I just needed a little help.

However, along my journey down both paths, I’ve found lots of links worth sharing! Venturing into writing is an overwhelming endeavor, but there really is a great deal of free information available to help!

Maybe you’re wondering, how do I find an agent, or how do I write a query letter and synopsis?  Perhaps you’re trying to improve your writing style and asking, what are some of the best books on craft? If you’re thinking of self-publishing, you’ll want to be aware of the common mistakes made by self-published authors and how you can avoid them.

Click the link, or on the “Help For Writers” page above and see what you think.  Hope you find it useful!

Are you a new writer?  If you’re a seasoned author, please share some sites/sources you’ve found beneficial in your writing career!  Thanks for visiting!


  1. How wonderful!!!! Lots and lots of lovely links - can't wait to explore them! Thank you so much for doing this!! Yay!!! You're a star! Take care

  2. A whole lot of links... thanks for sharing them, Maria.

  3. Thanks, Maria. I'll check this out when I finish Camp NaNo Wri mo

  4. You're welcome, Shelly! Good luck with Camp NaNo Wri Mo:).

  5. Congrats on taking the plunge and I see from the sidebar that you have a best seller. Congrats!

    In general, I read everything I can lay my hands on to do with self-publishing and what I learn I share with my buddies on my blog. I've downloaded a couple of 'how to' books from Amazon. They all have good advice, but some suggest things I wouldn't do.
