
Monday, June 10, 2013

Your Novel Starring...

Catherine Zeta-Jones: Bad Sister Lavinia
Halle Berry: Good Sister Olivia

My new novel, Masquerade: Book Two of the Unchained Trilogy, is now available! Today, in honor of my bad girl protagonist Lavinia, I thought I'd play "Your Novel Starring..."

Lavinia, originally introduced in the first part of the trilogy, Escape, is not the nicest person, and if she'd lived today, most likely would've been diagnosed with Narcissistic personality disorder.  According to Wikipedia, this "is a personality disorder  in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population. First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism."

In addition to her megalomania, Lavinia suffers from sibling rivalry issues.  This is seen in Escape when we meet her sister, Olivia, who is kind and sweet.

Although Masquerade is Lavinia's story, Olivia, to Lavinia's dismay, also makes an appearance.  As I wrote the characters, two beautiful sisters of mixed race ancestry, I envisioned Catherine Zeta-Jones as Lavinia and Halle Berry as Olivia.

Who do you imagine as some of your favorite characters in novels you've read or written?

Thanks for visiting and have a great week!


  1. Congratulations! And oooh- I think those two actresses would make a great pairing. Let's hope that works out!

  2. First off, you made two fantastic choices. Both are gorgeous women!

    I think I've mentally cast every one of my novels. For Chasing the Wind, I always saw Ewan McGregor as Connor, Terry Farrell (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) as Lynne, Harrison Ford as Darcy....

  3. Oh wow!! Two gorgeous gorgeous women to play the sisters!! That's brilliant!!!!

    Take care

  4. Excellent choices for both, Maria!

    I'd have to picture Emily Blunt playing Meredith Devon, and either Charlie Cox or Ben Barnes playing Stryker....

  5. Congratulations on the release, Maria!

    I love Halle Barry!


  6. @Norma: Love your cast--and I love anything Harrison Ford is in!

    @Kitty: Think there might be some cat fighting among sisters;)?

    @William: I had to look up all those actors. I'd heard the names but didn't know the faces. Couldn't find Miss Meredith, but the rest are handsome/beautiful! Great choices:).

    @Nas: Thanks, Nas! Halle is gorgeous and talented--as is Ms. Zeta-Jones!

  7. Perfect choice, Maria. Both beautiful girls.

  8. They are a real power combo, aren't they!

  9. Interesting and beautiful characters are hard to portray and I have trouble pinning them down in my mind but I have some ideas.

  10. It can be tough. Sometimes I'll see an actress in a TV commercial, or just some guy on the street, and think, "That's what so-and-so should look like."
