
Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday's Writing Tip: Subscribe to Advanced Fiction Writing E-Zine

Randy Ingermanson

"I help turn wannabe writers into gonnabe writers." Randy Ingermanson

If you're not familiar with Randy Ingermanson's, you don't know what you're missing!  Randy is the author of Writing Fiction for Dummies.  He's also known as "The Snowflake Guy" because of this article.  It outlines the way he designs/constructs a novel, by starting small, then building up until it looks like a story. Hence the snowflake metaphor. You start with a paper triangle, then keep cutting until you make a more elaborate design emerge.

Randy, a writer and award winning author of six novels and one non-fiction book, is also a physicist and self proclaimed computer geek.  To learn more about him, click here.

His website is great, and his e-zine is free! It's a monthly publication that provides some great secrets for novelists who want to develop their craft and better market their fiction.  In addition, once you subscribe, you'll also receive his 5 day course entitled "How to Publish A Book," along with his free report on Tiger Marketing.

Visit Randy today and take advantage of all of his great free stuff!  Do you have a favorite writing website that you'd like to plug?  Thanks for stopping by, and happy writing!


  1. Wow, what a great post with lots of goodies. I'm heading over to check everything out right now. I love the e-zine articles. You can never have too much information when it comes to writing. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the links! I'll definitely check them out--it sounds like a great e-zine.

  3. Thanks for the links!!! Every bit helps, cheers!! Take care

  4. @T.C., Golden Eagle and Old Kitty: You're Welcome ladies! Evey bit does help!

  5. Nice links. I have so many writing links I find helpful, but utlimately, it's the sites that allow time to discuss things, that chat back and forth, that I get the most from. Probably, because it's the point I'm at in my career.
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