
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Wednesday Discussion: Are You Going to the Lori Foster Reader and Author Get Together?

Lori Foster

Attending a big conference is an awesome experience, but usually pretty pricey, and sometimes even overwhelming.

If you'd like to attend a smaller, more affordable conference with a big time feel, consider going to Lori Foster's Reader and Author Get Together, June 3-5 in Westchester (near Cincinnati), Ohio.  The conference cost is only $50 and that includes dinner on Friday night, and all three meals on Saturday!

This is the 7th year best selling authors Lori Foster and Dianne Castell, along with Barnes and Noble's Linda Keller, have put together this event for readers and published and aspiring authors. 

Although the conference is geared toward romance writers and readers, the information presented in seminars is useful to all pursuing a writing career.

Take advantage of agent, editor and publisher appointments and learn lots from programs offered regarding marketing, publishing and writing craft!  Hope to see you there!

Think you can come? Please share info on any affordable local writing conferences that take place near you. Thanks for visiting!


  1. That's a nice blog post. Very useful. Thanks for the taking the time to post it.

  2. This will be my third year going to the Get Together. It's an awesome event and lots of fun.

  3. Hi, Nickie! Isn't it awesome? It'll be my third year too:).
